Monday, September 01, 2008

Like Jeopardy

You know that music that plays on the game show Jeopardy. Not the theme music, but the music that is played around the final round. It's this fluid yet monotonous sort of jingle.

Well, that's what it feels like in this time and space. And secondly, I can't believe it's already September.

I must let you know something.

It's appropriate that we will be entering fall in the next few weeks. Because I feel as if I have let all my own dreams and desires "fall"....die so to speak. And no, no, I don't want you to feel pity or sorry for me. Maybe just hug me real tight the next time you see me. It's just that something is lingering in the atmosphere. It's bugging me a bit. I feel this sense of "looming". I know, not trying to get all apocalypto on you, but I'm just trying to be honest. I don't feel this "looming" for myself so much as I do for the world. Weird. I know.

There is such a hunger for hope right now. Heck, I'm trying to regain it myself. And in this instance, it's so hard to see that I am loved by Him. Not that I don't think He is capable of love, it's just I'm having a hard time receiving it and believing it fully in this current wave of emotion.

That theme music is playing and at the same time this weird sort of drum countdown.

I'm still waiting for the new beginning. I'm still waiting for the more.

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