I didn't think I could end this blog with anything better than that previous post. I mean "master storyteller" C'MON :)
Nonetheless, I've been looking around at other blog formats...I know, I know...it seemed as if I would be settled here. But I may be moving to wordpress.com for a much more consistent blog.
I'll confirm in the days or weeks to come.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
A change...
Posted by
7:08 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Patrice -- [noun]: A master of storytelling 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
Posted by
10:31 PM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Heart Words.
And thus, I'm ready to love beyond the novelty of such a notion.
Posted by
10:12 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I like to start with titles. It's my thing.
I typed "Connection" before I really thought about why. Nonetheless, let's follow this, see where it goes.
It's late. Or early. I should be asleep, but I needed to express myself. I needed to share.
It's that lovely time and season of which hormones can throw you off a bit. So as I feel a little frustration, I also feel good.
I feel as if my heart has been prepared and protected. I so badly want something new to present itself, but at the same time my transition 'is' that something new, but just not what I am picturing right now. I know-a bit vague.
But the pieces are coming together somehow, the puzzle is way bigger than I first perceived. People, places, faces. All with purpose. Not just random. It's much like prose and a lot like poetry. And many times, they too, have titles.
Posted by
12:29 AM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Where Did All The Nice People Go?
I want to move there.
Just kidding. But really, I had the amazing opportunity to meet someone that I had met briefly, almost 2 years ago. And the second intro was just as harsh as the first.
She was stand-offish and weird. And I'm like, Why?
What's wrong with you?? Why can't you be nice.
And then I stopped myself.
Let me just be nice.
I smiled and wished her Adieu. Did I spell that right?
Joy is a beautiful thing, especially when you can walk in it and live like it.
Thus, again--our choices matter. Yes, even when we are urged in every part of our being to be nasty. Choose to be nice. It's the high road. Trust me. It's taking you places you never had imagined.
And for those that think "niceness" = "weakness" or some mess like that. All I have to say is...that is a lie. I have found, that is the "nice" people that have gone through hell and back and have been humbled to make it through. Thus, they appreciate life, people, circumstances in a whole new way...the way that life is meant to be...Lived in Love.
Plus, being mean just gives you stress....=ulcers, tumors, cancers, etc. Our bodies aren't meant to live that way.
So, when I see you, don't be weird if I give you a hug...I'm just being nice.
Posted by
12:26 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
New Possibilities...
I don't know why. But I believe that something extraordinary could happen today. And I welcome that.
Let's be expectant, even through the pain and heartbreak. Let's dare to believe for something beautiful and great.
Posted by
12:07 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
A Mirror
Everyone's deep.
In this age of myspace "headlines", I find myself thinking...has everyone always been this deep...even in L.A.? I mean really. I've been seeing some pretty amazing quotes from the stuff poets and literary legends are made of. Mind you, some of these quotes are from some magical literary writers of the past, but other headlines seem to spawn from the truth and emotion of someone's current condition.
Myspace seems to be a great gauge in where someone "is" in life--or maybe, where they'd rather be.
I've realized that I internalize anger and disappointment where it burns right beneath my skin. Not enough to kill me. But enough to let me know it's there. Have you been in an uncomfortable situation where you knew (or believed you knew) that there was nothing you could do to change it?
And since I'm on the topic of relationships...
I'm realizing more and more who I am.
It's really sorta profound. Because on the same note, I'm realizing who I am not.
I think I'm a propeller. I function best where I see a stagnant situation/person in which movement needs to occur. Where there is no sign of movement, progress, maturation, I feel as if I am useless or my propeller purpose must move on.
Have you ever gotten to the point where others think you and a friend are best friends because you hang out and "do stuff". "Doing stuff" together no matter how frequently cannot substitute for true heart to heart connection. Nonetheless, you appreciate the company and try to lead your life and play the part.
But what do you do when it's time to let go. Freely.
The propeller in me wants to stay and try and cheerlead one last time. But my heart and mind say otherwise. When do you know to walk away.
When is it time to truly be honest. Freely.
There was never that unique heart to heart connection. I don't think that was the purpose of this friendship. But I am grateful. I am grateful to have learned and lived and loved and learned again.
But contrary to popular belief, we are not the best of friends. Friends, yes. Most definitely. Your loyalty has amazed me. Just not the best of friends.
My lesson learned tonight. Let go in love and forgiveness. Always.
Posted by
8:53 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
On the Freeway
Do we really want substance, or merely image.
Again, living in L.A. I have to constantly re-examine that question.
On this one, I'm gonna say...slow and steady (of course), which in turn leads to searching out the substance. I mean, really. Image is just not enough.
Posted by
10:12 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
You Look Smart
Today, for some reason, I was hit on numerous times. But the best pick up line I heard was, "Are you a college student...you look smart."
Yep. That's a sure way to my heart.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Settle and Steady
It seems as if most like to experience emotion fast--fast like fury. But, I, on the other hand like to settle into things. And then I stay loyal to the feeling or emotion. Mind you, this can be helpful and harmful. I can get too attached to an emotion or mindset connected to an emotion and not be willing to let it go. No, it would be more accurate to say: I then can become too scared to let it go. Something about the comfort of habit, of cycles, of repetition, knowing what's about to come...and how it's supposed to come makes me feel a bit immortal. I don't know why, but it does.
The helpful part of my settle and steady philosophy is that I become loyal--down to my very core. I will become married to the idea, emotion, or person and sustain that type of vigor and energy throughout an extended period of time.
I was thinking today of marriage. Not like I usually do. I mean, I wasn't thinking of marriage in the same old way I usually do. I was thinking about divorce and why it even happens. At some point, the two lovers were madly in love--madly, passionate. And then, BAM, divorce. Change interferes and jacks everything up. But then again, change is the only constant. So what was unable to sustain was the steady and constant emotion connected to loyalty.
And then I think about the word "cleave". You know...a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife, etc. etc. I haven't even done my real research on that word in its context, but from what I gather, It looks as if the bond you have with your parents--which is a blood bond, should and will transfer to the realm of marriage, in the end, pointing to permanency. We have one mother and one father, or at least that's what it took to make you. Your (blood) mother will always be your mother and your (blood) father will always be your father. Time or emotions cannot change that. And just as permanent as that bond is. As sealed as that bond and relationship is, so it must be for marriage....or at least the intention of it is implied. What a beautiful and complex metaphor.
Even now, as I write this, I have a random "love" song in my head. This song is basically about taking advantage of a crush or one night stand situation. The brevity of commitment. The short term. We sing along to songs that glamorize "touch it", "feel it", "spank it" but still truly yearn for the reality of what we hear in classic love ballads usually played at weddings.
I'm wearing a ring tonight. Yes, on that hand. I'm not engaged. It's sort of a purity ring and then some. I haven't figured out what the "then some" is. But I'm trying to figure things out. I'm trying to clear my head of the short term gratification songs and truly feel and resonate with the loyalty songs. In the end, I don't want to be in those wack statistics of divorce. In the end, I want to be in love. I want to settle.
Posted by
12:34 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
On a Train.
The 'Open Doors' have begun to do just that--open. And as I become more honest, the more doors seem to open. And when I speak about honesty, I also mean a deeper level of transparency and trust in sharing my heart with the One who created it. And just in the last week, there has been some crazy turn arounds.
It truly is like stepping on a train, and not knowing exactly where you are going, but believing, sensing, and trusting that you are going somewhere magical and you are getting there fast...at almost lightening speed.
There's about to be an awakening. In awakening in the people around us as well. Where vision and revelation has been dulled or non-existent in terms of dreams and hopes and desires, those things are about to be realized.
I feel a new good shaking on the horizon. Perhaps in the next few days.
Oh, and in terms of your dreams....I will believe with you.
Posted by
10:48 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Who I Could Be.
You scored as Joan. You're a Joan!! You have the gift of giving and letting others know that you're there for them no matter what. You stay true to what you believe in and let no guy come in and take that away from you. You definitely believe in the art of romance and the importance of friends and family. You go girl!!
Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends) created with QuizFarm.com |
Posted by
11:43 AM
Monday, January 01, 2007
Above and Beyond.
Happy New Year!! 2007 is here! Babe-eh Babe-ehh! It has been prophesied that this will be the year of "Open Doors". I receive that.
This New Year's Day is filled with a variety of mixed sentiments for me. I'm learning to be honest and humble again, like never before. I also think a process of restoration is upon me. Some old fears rising to the top, but this time I think there will be a sweet turnaround. A miracle, you can call it.
And with that, I will choose love. And again believe that miracles can happen.
Posted by
2:35 PM